Hospital Elevators

Hospital Elevators

A few weeks ago I was making a rare hospital visit to have prayer with a dear friend undergoing brain surgery. My emotions were on edge as she has been a vital part of the Smith family for 13 years. She helped raise our children, cared for them as a Godmother,...
Hospital Elevators

The Tutu Impact

Brian McLaren writes about a time when a white South African told him how receiving compassion changed his entire being. “During the apartheid years, this man believed what he was told by white authority figures namely, that those working against apartheid were evil...
Hospital Elevators

Refusing Help?

When we call out for help (please) we are bound more powerfully to God through our needs and weaknesses, our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, our anxieties and problems than we ever could have been through our joys, successes, and strengths alone.   Calling for help...
Hospital Elevators

The non-existent cry for “HELP!”

“The acknowledgement of our weakness is the first step in repairing our loss.” –Thomas A Kempis   Once upon a time there was a brilliant young intern who was being pursued by a Fortune 500 company. She did a stellar job during her internship. The executives felt...
Hospital Elevators

From the East to West

The beauty of confessing by saying “I’m sorry” is finding peace and mercy in the arms of Christ . . . for today’s devotion listen to this song and allow God to speak to you through the words and music . . .   “I’m not holding on to you, but you are holding on to me ....
Hospital Elevators

A Forced “I’m sorry!”

One of the funniest things we had to do as parents was mediate between arguments of our children when they did not have the maturity to navigate them on their own.   We tried to always be fair, and typically tried to help them see where their sibling was coming...