

Today instead of reading . . . I invite you to take a few moments to “listen” to something . . .   Music is often a way that God speaks to our souls. Thus I invite you to listen to the following song, “Your Grace is Enough/Here I Am,...

Time-Traveling Thoughts

Brian McLaren writes of a time he had insomnia . . . so instead of lying there unhappy because he couldn’t sleep, he decided to enter into a time of “prayer” with God, focusing on gratitude.   His message was powerful and causes me to pose the...

Moving Offices

It’s time that the West office finds a new home. Between our visits by Mickey’s twentieth cousin once removed (Mickey Mouse) and the fact that the heat rarely gets above 65 unless it is summertime, we really need have to investigate some future...

The Lost Dog

“You will find stability at the moment when you discover that God is everywhere, that you do not need to seek God elsewhere, that God is here, and if you do not find God here it is useless to go and search elsewhere because it is not God that is absent from us,...

Fake It Till You Make It

Have you ever learned a foreign language? It is certainly a “process” and not always an easy one. Rosetta Stone was a brilliant idea . . . teaching people a foreign language at their own pace, etc.   There have been two times in my life I’ve...

Religion Matters

Religion matters. Many in today’s world believe that spirituality is enough . . . but if we move to the meaning of the word “religion” I think we will find it has relevance in our lives, even when it gets messed up because of our human touch.  ...