We need a “yes” to begin.

I just felt weird. I wasn’t sure what was up, but I felt weird. It was a stressful time, lots of “drama” at the school where I was teaching. A group of teachers were trying to get the assistant principal fired (for no reason other than she was a harda** and didn’t put...

Celebrating the wins . . .

I love to play games! And I love to win! I’m so darn competitive (it’s why I don’t play sports because I’d lose all the time. So, I channel my competitive nature to other things, like Bananagrams. Or loving people in the name of Christ. Except...

“Cast Your Fears in the Fire”

Today we have a guest author, Joycelyn Armstrong. Joycelyn is a gifted leader at West and in our community and has a powerful story regarding addressing fear. Recently I had the proverbial match lit and was ready to throw it on my 20 year interior design career. I was...

Preposterous Promise

I received this from a friend and colleague. It’s so powerful and so timely.  As you read it, take time to pause at each line and really let these words resonate with you. This is the “Preposterous Promise.”   Brennan Manning, in Reflections for Ragamuffins.  ...

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” – Jonathan Edwards

Ummmmm, no.  Over this series, we’ve been talking about promises, hope, and God’s faithfulness.  Holding onto the idea that hope comes from remembering promises!  Often times humanity misunderstands God because we think God was jealous, angry, and vengeful prior to...

Feed a cold, starve a fever

The saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” dates back to a dictionary published by John Withals in 1574 because a note indicated “fasting is a great remedy of fever.” The belief that has been sustained through the years is that the body needs food to generate warmth for...