Killing Babies

Growing up, there was a season when I often woke up to hearing screams in the middle of the night from my father. He served in WWII, Korean Conflict (War), and Vietnam. He was a Master Seargeant, a tank commander, and a part of the 82 Airborne. He saw a lot during his...

Questions, Questions, and More Questions

Do you like it when people answer questions with a question? Probably not . . . because when we ask a question, we want an answer. But what if answers aren’t the end goal? What if answering questions with a question is a great thing? (As your pastor, I’m grateful that...

The Need for a Realtor

If we were getting ready to move, we’d establish where we were going to move, then most likely google the area, then find a realtor to help us with finding a new place to live. Odds are, no matter how convicted we are that we should move, we would not just pack up our...

Alien Takeover

Do you ever get frustrated when you try really hard to put things in place to make things go smoothly and then it all falls apart? We are two weeks away from our BIGGEST outreach event of the year. And – WAY BEFORE 10 a.m., we had everything ready to put in our...

“Pick Two” From the Menu

At some local eating establishments, they offer a “Pick Two” from their menu for lunch. You get ½ the average “meal” portion, and you get to combine two of your favorite things to create a meal. Great marketing plan to increase sales. Not a great scriptural foundation...