Kissing a Pig

Sometimes when trying to motivate a group of people to achieve a goal, the prize is to have one of the organization’s leaders “kiss a pig” if the goal is achieved. Having once owned a potbelly pig, I have an affinity for the animals. They aren’t nearly as nasty...

Do you try to poke holes in a story?

Poking holes in the story. To find mistakes or problems in something someone has said. Recently a friend learned that someone important to them had lied. We’ve all heard the term “little white lies” – and then there are the big ones. This was a big one. Then,...

The Legitimacy of Deconstruction

Why do we need to talk about deconstruction? Why is it a real thing? If you’ve had an amazing journey of faith, then truly – that is wonderful. But so many in our world have not. The religious institution of the church has taught them that questions are not...

Echo Chambers

An echo chamber is “an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own.” Recently, Seth Godin wrote an article about echo chambers. “It can happen to sports and music fans, to investors, to companies...

“Don’t Betray Your Faith!”

Hopefully, you’ve not decided, “She’s lost her mind and this whole deconstruction conversation is blasphemous to God.” I don’t think any of us will argue that the world is not the same as it was three, five, ten, or much less twenty years ago. When I was a child, you...

Complex Lego Kits

Have you ever played with Legos? There’s not really a “right” way to go about constructing a Lego set. For some, it’s all about the instructions. The set has clear page-by-page instructions; the end product will be exactly as pictured/designed IF you follow them. Have...