Honoring our Veterans

I invite you to read this meditation this morning as we honor Veterans on this Veteran’s Day. Think about it – the sacrifices they make and the risks they take are for the good of the whole. For strangers. Not something they are doing for themselves. How...

Til You Can’t

This week at the Country Music Awards Cody Johnson won his first CMA for the music video, “Til You Can’t.” Perhaps it is so popular right now because of the message it carries. A message that can resonate with each of us. Even if you don’t like...

Do no harm.

“This looks and sounds really, really familiar. And my stomach really hurts.” I found myself thinking that in one of our last Q & A sessions on Tuesday, Amy was visiting the 14 different delegations of the Southeastern Jurisdiction and answering any and all...

It’s an election year! Who are you voting for?

Gotcha! I really don’t want to know. And most likely you don’t want me to want to know because one thing the folks of West have appreciated over the years is that we “think and let think.” We expect and hope our politicians will be people of integrity, but past that –...

Luck, Honor, and Privilege, it’s a mix of all three…

Last Sunday, following in-person worship, we had opportunities to “give back” by making the AMPED boxes and the college student care packages we send seasonally. Every time we have a missional opportunity, the staff has a bit of anxiety because they/we...

Anything keeping you up at night?

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you decided to look beyond the imperfections.” -Anonymous We will never find a time or space where everything in life is perfect. Yet, if we are mindful, we CAN find a time and space where we...