Teflon or Velcro?

In yesterday’s meditation, I shared with you a video. The instructions of the video were to count how many times the basketball was passed among the people in the white shirt. But did you see the gorilla walk through the circle? It even beat its chest a few times for...

Can you get out of the rut?

Earlier this year we had a decent amount of snow for our small part of North Carolina. Whereas snow like that in other parts of the world would not impact anything, for us in the Iredell County region, it pretty much shut everything down for a few days. We aren’t...

How do you see what you see?

How do you see the world? Do you take in the sights? The sounds? Are you experiencing the world as it is? While we may think we are truly seeing things as they are, the truth is we only see things the way our minds/brains want us to. We see things from a “view.” For...

Catch Yourself!

It most likely isn’t exactly the norm for us to “think” about “thinking.” Thinking just happens . . . scientists say that on average, we have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day. Of those thoughts, approximately 80% are negative. You may think, “No! I’m not...

What will be the most expensive 5k ever?

It will undoubtedly be the most expensive 5k ever. Last year when Tom was training for his triathlon, he found it necessary to compel/guilt me into doing a 5k because I was quick to suggest training mandates, but certainly not quick to get out and run, bike, or swim....