Do you hold on to your baggage?

What do batteries, electric lights, electric power, phonographs and sound recording, cement, motion pictures, and the pneumatic stencil pen (an ancestor to the modern tattoo gun) all have in common? They were invented by Thomas Edison. To say he was a true genius is...

There is good news, bad news, and frankly, I made a mistake.

The good news is, hey! You actually read what I write! I wish I could say that I whip out the devotions in 5 – 10 minutes. Sometimes they flow easily, other times it takes a long time for the words to come to life on a screen. Thus, there are times I wonder if it...

When is it going to be ok to say, “I’m not ok!”?

According to the latest news article, nineteen children and two teachers are dead. This morning, hundreds of people are reeling, their lives forever changed, because a young man chose to exercise an act of evil out of some deep dark place in his mind/soul. When I did...

Do you really want t0 be healed?

When we began this message series on “The End of Times/Revelation,” I had no idea what the weeks would be about, nor how the series would end. Honestly, whereas most message series are planned out months ahead of time, for some series, even years; this one was a...

“Do I Want to Stay a Christian?” A Unique Opportunity

“Where do you work? What do you do for a living?” When that question comes up when I meet new people, honestly, I cringe. It seems most folks immediately assume I’m going to “condemn” them. Thus, they either start telling me why they...

The Power of Taking Clothes Off!

. . . It’s the best way to have a real picture made! Did that make you open this message because we referenced taking things off? Ha! It’s a different meaning of taking things off! Yesterday’s message centered around that idea and how our lives CAN change...