Is seeing believing?

Sometimes in life, we face situations that cause us to question and doubt. We wonder if God exists and is good, then why does life end up working out the way that it does. We ask questions. “Where are you, God? Why am I having to walk this particular path of the...

Did you know that you hum?

…sort of like a refrigerator. Do you ever find yourself humming? You know, putting your lips together and with your mouth closed, making music sounds. According to Wikipedia, a hum is when a sound is made by producing a wordless tone with the mouth closed, so...

Do you really have to ask “Where is Jesus?”

Maybe the answer is “everywhere”! When Lexi Hernandez, the pastor of our Growth Co Campus (a faith community for 20 – 30-year-olds), walks into a room, you are drawn to her. Her energy and passion are contagious and if Lexi isn’t smiling, you know...

Sometimes letting go is the way that we gain.

Who is 23 and still carries a blanket? It isn’t uncommon to have an “item” that we keep around us that brings us comfort. A “security” item like a favorite stuffed animal, a blanket, or a religious symbol like a cross, a scripture card, or a rosary. It’s presence...

Following Jesus Means Nothing?!

The Gift From an Anonymous Letter. . . This week I was gifted with an anonymous letter. While I don’t give those any merit as far as “actions taken” – I do always read them to see what I can learn. This one was addressing my theological understanding (or from...

The Paradoxical Nature of Being Taught Truths

There is one who wasn’t paradoxical. . . Truth is that which is associated with fact or reality. An “absolute truth” is something that is true at all times and in all places. It is a fact that cannot be changed and is true regardless of all circumstances. An...