6 AM Panera & Shoveling Cement

When the conference asked us to launch a campus of Williamson’s Chapel, we had no idea that it would ultimately give birth to a “legit” church. And even though we are a “church” – we prefer to reference West as a movement. A movement of community, real people...

“Letting That S*%@ Go!”

Lent Morning Meditation Our perception of something is the way that we see it. And not just “see” like we look at it with our eyes and we see it. But REALLY “see” it. When we perceive something we truly regard it, paying attention to its many facets. We interpret any...

It’s Too Complicated

We make things complicated. Sure, there are situations in life that are complicated. But more often than not, when we find ourselves really wrestling with complicated situations, we have heaped complications into the situation instead of making conscious choices to...

Collapsing the Distance

It happens in friendships. Years are spent together building closeness and unity, then life happens. Distance is created. Situations change. People move. Friendships grow apart. However, the transformational thing is that regardless of how much distance is formed, we...

Just when you THINK you know all there is to know . . .

You find out there is more. I invite you to call to your mind your relationships for a few minutes. Think of the people that hold a special place in your life. A few years ago when Tom and I began dating, I’d be so happy as time would draw near for us to go on a date....

“Is there a REAL Jesus?”

Lent Morning Meditation “Everyone just needs to believe in the real Jesus.” Have you ever heard that before? So what does that mean, the “real” Jesus? Who’s definition of Real are we using? Nine out of ten Americans (not Christians, Americans) believe in the...