Not Everything is Instantaneous

Hopefully, by now you’ve received your “Faith Infusion Box.” Inside the box, you’ll find a balloon. Sunday, in in-person worship, I encouraged you to blow up your balloon, rub it vigorously against your hair and then put it up against your clothing, noting that it...

“Honey, I’m Home!”

Once in the middle of the night, I got up to get a glass of water. I closed the refrigerator and glanced up and screamed. There was a person in the other room, staring right back at me! Because I was half asleep and it was dark other than the reflection from a small...

Hocus Pocus

When’s the last time you really wanted the “right” words to say to someone, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t find them? Or, when’s the last time you wanted someone to listen to you but because of other distractions or...

Peace Comes with Focus: The Homeless Man vs. a Gun

Typically in both worships (online & on-site), the message is the same. Yesterday was different. It was a “No Huddles Day” – when the message is shorter, and for the in-person site, the auditorium doesn’t have all the “frills,”...

Promises and Loyalty

How big of a deal are promises to you? When people promise you something, do you really COUNT on it? Or do you suspect that there are some chances that they won’t live into or up to their promises and they simply won’t come true? I don’t know about you, but to me,...

Can All of Us Do a Triathlon?

It seems we are struggling to find that norm in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. It’s so easy to want things to be “like they used to be” instead of looking at situations and trying to figure out how we can find the absolute best in...