The Power in Finishing Well

There is power in “finishing well.” None of us know how we will ultimately “finish” this journey of life. I imagine we all hope to finish with people that we love and cherish in our lives. We also most likely want to finish having left a mark...

Things Tested are also Trusted

Early spring I went to start my car and nothing happened. It made a little “clicking sound” and then went completely dead. No radio, no nothing. I thought it was the battery, but I knew I hadn’t left anything “on” so I could not figure out why it would just be “dead.”...

First- it’s beautiful! Then, BAM! Out of nowhere it falls apart!

Why is it that the “difficult things” come after some of the most beautiful things? Ever had that feeling that life is clipping along, all is well, work, family, relationships, finances . . . everything is as you hope it will be. Then, BAM! Out of the blue...

Sometimes we do not like that which we see!

It had been several challenging months. There were multiple obstacles, trying to balance finishing doctoral school in Washington, D.C.,taking care of my family, trying to be a solid leader/pastor, figuring out how to launch a 501c3 with other churches. There were lots...

Knowing WHEN to “relax” is 99% of the battle!

Monday did not go at all as I had planned! With weather that makes us feel as if we’ve all moved to Seattle, I’d planned on plopping myself in a chair and working on Lenten devotions/messages and thank you notes to the folks that have so graciously...

It’s OK to Take a Nap!

Kindergarten is usually a win for most kids! Especially the first few weeks of it because the teachers/staff really WANT you to be successful. By week 3 of kindergarten, my parents and I had to attend a “called” parent/teacher conference. “Mr. and...