Musing Meditation– a Weekday Spiritual Guide

Finding the Right Place to Turn Around When I’m driving somewhere new and I miss my turn, I’ll drive miles and miles out of the way looking for the “perfect spot” where I can turn around. I think through lots of things: How easy will it be to pull back out onto the...
Are you filling up the relationships you are in or are you the cause of emptiness?

Exactly what is it you need from me?

Have you ever been in an argument with a colleague, friend, or spouse/significant other and you find it is cyclical? Regardless of what you say or do, the argument continues and nothing seems to bring it to an end. Odds are, if that is happening, all people involved...
Are you filling up the relationships you are in or are you the cause of emptiness?

Do You Stop to Take a Breath

Do You Stop to Take a Breath? Awhile back, Dawn, Lindsay, Brad, and I had a dialogue about our temperaments’ strengths and weaknesses. We were filming it to share some of our conversation with you during this Sunday’s message. It was interesting that trying to...