Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Strengths and Weaknesses”

Musing Meditation | West Church, LKN | “Strengths and Weaknesses”

Strengths and Weaknesses That adage, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Well, that isn’t true. Words can hurt. Mainly because “they stick.” I’m sure if we are all honest with ourselves, we wrestle deep within because of words that...
Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Last night we were able to see “The Christmas Star.” The “Great Conjunction” between Saturn and Jupiter. Some have suggested that these two planets might be a replica of the legendary Star of Bethlehem that prompted the Magi to begin their journey from the Far East to...
Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Musing Meditation- “Half Opened Packages”

Back in the dark ages, Christmas gift bags weren’t really “a thing.” Most of the time gifts had to be wrapped in Christmas paper. I LOVED (and still do) Christmas! For many reasons, of course, but one is I do have a small affinity for presents! I...
Musing Meditation- “The Star of Resolve”

Musing Meditation- “Vitamin World, Seeing is Believing!”

Recently I was working on my Christmas shopping and I needed to run into a store that was a bit foreign to me. Vitamin World. Having never visited a “vitamin” store before, I had no idea how to find anything. In fact, I didn’t know what I was looking...