Love Looks Like Getting Up in the Middle of the Night

Love Looks Like Getting Up in the Middle of the Night

It was around 4 am a few nights ago and I heard my phone vibrate. Being unable to sleep, I figured I’d read the message. Turns out a friend of mine with small children was awake because one of their children had a nightmare. The dream woke them, they came to get...

Musing Meditation- Sometimes Vision Requires Learning from Mistakes

Do you remember in the Field of Dreams movie, “If you build it, they will come?” What if we changed that up a bit and instead thought, “If we vision it, we can get there.” It’s so easy to go through life and “go with the flow.” Often the flow is challenging. It takes...

Musing Meditation- “What if we became energy transformers?”

Last week an electric transformer in Troutman blew and parts of Troutman were out of power for 8 hours. It was right as the workday was set to begin so that greatly hindered some pretty important situations for people. The impact of that blow out was huge because the...

Musing Meditation- The Danger of Using “I”

But when we rely on the power of God within us, we can accomplish everything. If you go to the book of Judges in Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and read the story of Gideon, you will see that he used the word “I” a lot. Gideon was a farmer by trade. He...

Musing Meditation

I asked several members of the original launch team of West if there was a time they remembered our struggle to trust God or a time when we did trust God in a difficult opportunity and as God always does, God led the way through it and provided. There are several...