Thoughts from the week

Happy Friday. Instead of words today, I am including the link for the message from Ash Wednesday. Because of technical difficulties followed by crappy life difficulties, you didn’t get this Wednesday or yesterday. So . . . . here it is. I apologize for it being...

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday. The time we receive a mark on our foreheads reminding us, “From dust we came and from dust we shall return. Repent and believe the Gospel.” Or . . . phrasing it this way . . . “We are reminded of our humble origins and finite...

Are you a nosey neighbor?

Growing up, I always thought my grandmother was nosey. She had a fascination with our neighbors I just didn’t understand. When asked, she’d reply, “Someone needs to watch out for them.” I didn’t understand that because it seemed she was...

The Million Dollar Question

I didn’t want to walk the dogs the other night. One of our leaders of West found out her mother was in the final stages of life. I was bummed for her, sad for what she was going to have to face in the upcoming moments, hours, and days. I came home from the office and...

Motivation vs Commitment

As we’ve shared, part of getting out of our negative space and not allowing our chimp brains to control us involves getting a plan. However, even that comes with its own hurdles. How do we carry out the plan if we find ourselves stuck? It boils down to some C.O.R.E....

It’s Decision Making Time

There is a Chinese Proverb that holds great wisdom, “That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.” So, after we are willing to accept things for what they are . . . we have a...