Overcoming the Funk

We all get in “funks,” right? Where we see things with tainted eyes, distorting reality and we apply that colored lens into all that we do and see. I hear from some now that it seems it is easier to slip into a “funk” because of the prolonged period of time we are...

Led Where We Do Not Want To Go

The world we knew. . . where you’d see someone for the first time in a long time and not think twice about shaking their hand or giving them a hug. Or where we’d stand shoulder to shoulder at a sporting event or music concert (not to mention church 🙂 . . ....

Lessons from the cat about caring for others

It was a beautiful image . . . a tiny little runt piglet curled up next to a cat. When my son Andrew sent me that picture on Easter explaining that the little piglet was born the night before and was struggling to survive, I thought, “How beautiful! This cat is...

The Holy Spirit WILL nudge about Toilet Paper

How many times in the past six weeks have you been on a quest for toilet paper? If you are like me, the answer is A LOT! Every single time I go to the grocery store I head to the paper products aisle first, hoping to see SOMETHING! Empty. Time and time again. UNTIL...

THAT was someone I needed to be friends with!

The first time we met we both purchased our beverages separately. It was a “first time guest” meeting of a gentleman who’d visited West once and he took me literally when I offered the opportunity to get to know more about West, faith, and how we...