Gestures mean a lot!

What’s a beautiful gesture you’ve seen recently? Something someone did for you that they wouldn’t do normally for themselves. But because they care deeply for you they took time and energy to do something beautiful for you? Those gestures mean a lot....

Sticking It!

In a 24 hour time span I had a visit from the Troutman police (a great way to start a reputation in a new home/town), a busted water line, deep paw prints in freshly poured cement, and a few other crisis events that are just not worth mentioning. It was ranking up to...

Demolition is harder than it looks

My new home is in downtown Troutman . . . a quaint brick house with an amazing backyard. At the bottom end of my lot there was this barn-type building. It had SO MUCH character and I was really excited for the potential it held. Until I started spending a little more...
Why should we bother with hope?

Why should we bother with hope?

Hope doesn’t disappoint. I had the privilege of being in conversation earlier today with someone whose “given up on church” but not spirituality. He was impressed with the fact that despite the circumstances we are all facing,...

Meditation helps us be present and aware.

Have you ever been so busy or have so many different things going through your mind that you are just going through some motions? You were actually pretty UNAWARE of what you were doing? One day earlier this week I decided I was going to brave the grocery store, still...

This is why what we do matters

Over the past several weeks West has had the opportunity to partner with Mooresville Graded Schools as we have continued to serve with Pig Out Food Truck Mission. Dr. Scott Smith, the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Ed for MGSD, along with this child and her...