Breaking An Entering

Around 2 am last year on the Sunday before Christmas, there was a large crash in the family room of my home. It jarred me awake and then I waited, trying to figure out what would cause noise of that magnitude.  After the initial crash there was more noise. It sounded...

Unplugged, Uncut, and Uncensored

We really have created a place of grace.  It was bound to happen. At some point it was inevitable that we’d let something slip. Perhaps you’ll be disappointed (and I’ll apologize on the front end) but your pastor does use a few four letter words from time to time. I’m...

There are two types of families . . .

“There’s two types of families, dysfunctional and those that think they are not.”  “I just wish we could be like the _________ family.”  Words I heard a gentleman share with me years ago as he was lamenting about the estrangement of his daughter. She was making some...

Seeing Love Through an Empty Snickers Wrapper

There was a homeless gentleman walking down the sidewalk in a large city when he noticed what appeared to be a Snickers Bar lying there. He bent over to pick it up and upon doing so the wrapper crushed in his hand. There was no Snickers Bar in the wrapper. “Argh!”...

Calculated Moves

It was a calculated move on her part.  Running errands in the Target shopping complex she saw that PetSmart was having an adoption day.  OR – maybe she knew there was an adoption day thus the need to run errands in that same shopping complex.  Regardless of the...

Finding Beauty in Ashes

“Susan and Peter’s house burned to the ground last night.”  It was a text I received on my last morning in Uganda. I knew exactly who they were referring to. Peter and Susan Stoltzfus Halliday.  This was one of those times that you’d have to ask, “Why, God?!?...