Where do you stay?

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its joy.” -Leo F. Buscaglia. Part of our Chimp brain is that it refuses to move on when we encounter difficulties in life. Learning to be in the moment and allow ourselves to feel the things we need to...

Beauty in Realizations

Just a fun thing to do on this Friday . . . . Wednesday night, we had a candle-making class at the West office to have adequate candles/gifts for the faculty at Lake Norman High. Our intent is to say “thanks” for allowing us to use their space so...

What’s in a name?

When preparing for our first born we spent a lot of time thinking about names. If you have named a child, most likely have you’ve wrestled with the same thing. Family traditions/namesakes. Cultural and Ethnic significance. Religious names, folks that have been...

Learning from Elijah’s Mistakes

We’ve been talking about Elijah’s story. He was an absolute badass; he stood down 850 false prophets and conquered them all. Yet then, after that epic victory, Queen Jezebel’s threat to kill him sent him over the edge. So much so that he wished to die. Elijah...

Fail, Fail Fast, and Learn from Your Mistakes

I shared yesterday one mantra for the staff when they become anxious, worried, or overwhelmed. The second thing we live by is “It is ok to fail. Please – fail. But fail fast and learn from your mistakes.” We never want staff to become so paralyzed by amking a...

Living through s*&! CAN teach us not to worry!

Please note this week, as we talk about anxiety, stress, and worry . . . There are different degrees of anxiety that require different treatments/coping mechanisms. Some anxieties we can breathe through. With behavior modification, we can learn to manage those...