Stay in Your Lane

“Stay in your lane” is a pretty popular saying now. It’s in the media, we use it in our conversations . . . sometimes in jest, but there actually is some wisdom to that concept. Have you ever ridden with someone and they keep veering off the road?...

Don’t Live Like a Pinball Machine

A wise mentor once taught me that if we aren’t careful, we will live our lives like the ball in a pinball machine. We will just go from “hit to hit” without any intentionality. Pretty soon, before we know it, we will be exhausted with our lives . . ....

The Last Trip

When we were in Uganda the summer of 2018 as people asked about future trips, I found myself repeating, “Yes, West will continue our relationship with Acres of Hope. For me personally, however, this is my last trip.” Having been six times, I believed I...

What’s the worst that can happen with rejection?

Yesterday’s devotion was about a young “Make a wish” family and how I had to work through my courage to tell them that I had been praying for them. I always love it when you write me with insights, questions, and feedback to the devotions. Really!!!...

The “gut” said “yes,” the brain said “no.”

The worship production team and I are attending a conference in Orlando to learn how to better utilize the technology we have available and to also see where the “future” of church media is headed. Brad, Josh, and I took a little time on Monday to have a...

Daring: Flashy Verses Consistency

Several years ago I had the privilege of leading a Celebration of Life service for someone that I knew only for a brief amount of time. In planning for the service the family shared with me that they wanted a time of “open sharing.” They wanted to open up...