What We See vs How We See

During a message on sacrificing personal desires in order to make a difference in someone else’s life a friend of mine used a personal illustration. He shared about a time when he’d had a REALLY bad day. Multiple people were angry with him. His son was in...

Daring to Claim the Power of Intimacy

Can you remember a time in a relationship with someone that after that conversation you knew you’d grown to new depths? You’d encountered intimacy of a friendship/relationship and that intimacy was life-giving? To have authentic, meaningful relationships...

Is it ok to wear pajamas to “church?”

(Permission has been granted to use the following story). A friend of mine shared on her Facebook page a self-described rant about how her daughter was treated following a church worship service. Her “apparel” was judged to be inappropriate and so someone...

Meditation: Daring Ourselves

When is the last time you took a dare? A dare is when we have the courage to do something . . . something typically outside our comfort zones. Doing new things – well, that’s scary. For anyone, typically. That’s why organizations like churches which...

Intimate Relationships are AMAZING things!

Learning to see from the eyes of the ones whom we love. Ask: “How would they feel if I said/did this?” It puts things in a completely different perspective. It pushes us to forgo seeing only our personal “way” of seeing. It pushes us into...

Friends Devotion #3

Fickle comes from an Old English word ficol, which means deceitful. In each of our lives we have the opportunity to have friends that are constants or fickle. What are some constants that exist in your life? A “constant” is something that is regularly...