What does your stumbling stone look like?

At some point, we are all going to fall. At some point in our lives some event, person, death, idea, or relationship is going to enter our lives and we just aren’t going to be able to cope with the challenges of those situations with our current skill set. We...

Nostalgic Amnesia

It’s called “nostalgic amnesia.” It is a state of mind where we experience warm fuzzy feelings about where we’ve been, reminiscences of a past time, and we completely forget how crappy that time was when we were actually, originally experiencing it. It’s a real thing....

What are you doing with the scars?

We’ve all gone through ick in our lives. We’ve had things happen to us and we’ve also done things that cause us to feel separated from God’s love. The question is . . . what to do with it? Do we sit in our pain and allow it to define us? Or do we decide that we are...

Decluttering Our Soul

Did you know that socks can spark joy? Marie Kondo wrote a book in 2014 called, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up and it has sold over 9 million copies. There is even now a popular Netflix show around these principles and people are finding joy in having less . ....

Would you hide your tattoo?

Every time a friend of mine goes home to see her parents she dresses strategically so that she hides her tattoos.  It can be 90 degrees outside but she will wear something that covers the tattoos on her arm so that she doesn’t hear flack from her parents. (Never mind...

Are you clingy?

When we cling too tightly, we lose our way. William Shakespeare once said, “The eyes are windows to the soul.” A few weeks ago I had an opportunity to meet some psychologists from Johns Hopkins who were doing some research with clergy people. I had the opportunity to...