When You Start Something

Have you ever heard the adage, “When you start something you need to finish it?” There is a joke about this. See what you think . . . “A Dr. on TV said to have inner peace we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked...

Eyeing It or Compelled to Go?

Are you willing to be driven into the wilderness? When we went to the Holy Land in January one of the things I looked forward to sharing with our group the most was the “wilderness.” It was where Jesus was driven by the Holy Spirit after his baptism in the Jordan...

Dreams: From Lifeless to Living

Dreams are fascinating. They reveal to us our subconscious . . . and while I’m not an analyzer of dreams, I do think many (maybe not all) can be revealing if we meditate and pray about their meaning. Warning – the following might not make complete sense . . ....

Shaking the Polaroid is No Longer a Thing

Back in the dark ages, the ‘70s, Polaroid cameras became very popular ways to capture images. ​It was during this time when a new process of developing film was introduced, dry development. Light was used to develop the film. In 1972, the iconic Polaroid SX-70 –...
Who Gets the Last Word?

Who Gets the Last Word?

It is human nature to like or enjoy getting the last word. We’ve been heavily influenced by media and romanticism that whether or not it is through texting, phone calls, or face to face arguments, getting the last word can be advantageous to the relationship. Our...

Sometimes the End of the Story is Just the Beginning

When our kids were young story-time followed by prayers was a normal bedtime routine. At first it was easy . . . just think up some crazy plot line, tell the story, and then everyone could end their day in a fun, positive way. However as they aged, the stories had to...