Happiness is Happenstance

Happiness is Happenstance

Have you ever felt “happy” to only find that within a matter of minutes, the day “tanked?” One phone call, one text, one email, one exchange with another human being . . . bad news, a difficult situation to face, harsh words were spoken. . . and the feeling of...
Happiness is Happenstance

Changing One’s Mind

The Help is a great movie giving us a very real depiction of what segregated life was like for African Americans in America prior to some laws that brought about slow change. When “The Help” begins, aspiring journalist Skeeter returned from four years at Ole Miss to...
Happiness is Happenstance


Have you ever heard the phrase “sacred cows?” A “sacred cow” is an idea, custom, or institution held, especially unreasonably, to be above criticism or change. It references the Hindus’ respect for the cow as a sacred animal. The first time I did something wrong...
Happiness is Happenstance

He Opened His Mouth

Have you ever found yourself saying, “It was all good until he or she opened his/her mouth?” Perhaps you were admiring someone that you wanted to date . . . and it was all good until they spoke. Then you decided . . . “Ummmmm, not for me.” Or . . . you had a...
Happiness is Happenstance

Have You Ever Broken the Rules?

It was my junior year of high school and for some horrific reason I had “Keyboarding 2.”  Apparently whatever academic class I wanted was full, so I got my THIRD choice of elective . . . and back then I didn’t have the wisdom to question or buck the system, so I...
Competing in any kind of race has never been my thing.

Competing in any kind of race has never been my thing.

I think I was scarred as a young child with field days. Sack Races, Three-Legged Races, Relay Races, 50 Yard Dash, 100 Yard Dash, I could go on and on . . .  I HATED field day. I’d rather go to the dentist and get a cavity filled with no pain medication that live...