What are you hoping for?

What are you hoping for?

So often when we hope, we are hoping for a specific outcome! I hope I get the promotion. I hope my kids ____________ (fill in the blank!) I hope for good health. I hope for good grades. I hope for a happy family. We conclude the desired outcome and then that drives...
What are you hoping for?

What does Love believe?

There are times in our lives that we have to face hard truths. Those that we are in a relationship with do not wish to be in a relationship with us. They have betrayed our trust. They no longer return our love. They simply are not the same people that we once fell in...
What are you hoping for?

It is a “Bearing” kind of love!

Anytime we are in a relationship with someone, there is a tendency over time for the initial feelings of affection and love to dwindle. The “routine” of the friendship or intimate relationship sets in and the emotion fades. What is important to remember is that that...
What are you hoping for?

Tough Love

Loyal love is tough! It is tough because it remains true in the middle of difficult circumstances. Part of being in healthy relationships with one another is learning to work through our challenges and problems instead of bailing when the problems come. That’s...


Loyalty – A strong feeling of allegiance. Staying true to someone or something even when there are distractions or other things call attention. Strong relationships are marked by loyalty! Surely we all have relationships in our lives where loyalty is at the center!...
Let’s Take a Walk

Let’s Take a Walk

What if we take a walk? A final walk. A walk in his shadow . . . a walk in his footsteps. What do we see? We follow his walk from Jericho to Jerusalem . . . where once again he warned them what religious piety and being disconnected from God would do to their lives...