Holy Week Devotion

Holy Week Devotion

The week had been full of finalities. As Thursday evening drew to a close Jesus went to the garden . . . and there he sat, a young man in a sweat-soaked garment – kneeling, imploring, agonizing over what was yet to come. He figures out that those closest to him were...
Holy Week Devotion

The True Nature of the Heart

French novelist Houssaye wrote, “Tell me whom you love and I’ll tell you who you are.” The true nature of the heart is seen in its response to that which is not attractive. Max Lucado tells a story about a gentleman named John Blanchard. John had been in the library...
Holy Week Devotion

Credentials are not a NEW thing!

There’s a joke between myself and my clergy friends that I don’t have the “right” degree. It isn’t meant to be self-deprecating . . . it truly is a joke because we all know I have more “post-graduate” hours than possibly necessary. It is mainly just because I could...
Holy Week Devotion

It’s Cursed!

On Monday, Jesus and the disciples were walking back into Jerusalem after spending the night in Bethany. No doubt they were hungry as they walked and they passed a fig tree. Jesus noticed that even though it had leaves, it had no fruit. He was frustrated . . . most...
Holy Week Devotion

The Road Less Traveled

There are pathways in our lives that we really NEED to go, we just don’t want to. It seems as we look ahead into the unknown that the cost of traveling that path is far too great. Yet, here we stand. We stand at the beginning of the week, looking out over the road...
Going Viral Devotion

Going Viral Devotion

When we fear something exists in ourselves we are more likely to judge it in other people. Confession . . . “ego” is not a desirable thing in my opinion. When some of my colleagues and I sit around a table and the conversations turn to “let me tell...