Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

Sunday Rev. Amy Coles gave a powerful illustration about the love, vastness, and amazing nature of God! As people were pronouncing Stephen Hawking’s “eternal destiny.” For today’s devotion, I’d love it if you would take a few moments to...
Unconditional Love

Easier Looking OUT than WITHIN

It is always easier to look at instead of within. Have you ever watched a bully in action? They tend to find the weak spot in someone and then hit it relentlessly. Grace Rembinski is a singer/songwriter who tells her story about bullying. Grace first experienced...
Unconditional Love

How many things have you lost?

It is sometimes an hourly occurrence that I lose things. I don’t mean to, it just happens. More often than not my mind is on ten different things and I do not stop to THINK about something before I do it. Then, when it is time to remember I have not made a conscious...
Unconditional Love

Never In It Alone

Every Sunday after the message is over, I do a self-critique and try to evaluate how it went. Was I true to the scripture, did I communicate well and engage you? Or was it disjointed and lackluster? Last Sunday I was “out of sorts” when I began. My head was bouncing...
Unconditional Love


Think of the analogy of a window. When the window is clean you can peer through it and see things with such clarity. The brilliance of colors, the vast detail of objects . . . it’s all so obvious when the window is as it should be – intact, clean, ready to be used....
Unconditional Love

Going Viral

Every year YouVersion, a Bible app, releases a report on the millions of users who download their app to see what the most widely searched, bookmarked, and shared verse is for the year. For the past several years it has been the same verse. The most “viral” verse is...