Are you really ok with change?

Are you really ok with change?

Are you GOOD with change or could you be stuck in a rut??? One of the things I hear my clergy friends share, although I’ll confess, it doesn’t really happen a lot at West (or that I am aware of, anyway), is that people SAY they want to change, but then...
Are you really ok with change?

What could you change?

Change for the sake of change is not a “good” thing. It doesn’t benefit anyone if it isn’t just about doing things differently for no bigger purpose. However, many changes that we COULD make WOULD actually better ourselves and this life we...
Are you really ok with change?

What If!?!?!

How many times a day do you start a sentence with the words, “What if?” “What if I don’t get that promotion?” “What if my partner falls out of love with me and cheats on me?” “What if I get sick?” “What if I...
Are you really ok with change?

A Motivational Manifesto

Today, I really thought it would be powerful if instead of reading something I wrote, you could read and meditate on The Lion Chaser Manifesto by Mark Batterson, a pastor in Washington, D. C. May it be motivational to you to let go of your worries and embrace life and...
Are you really ok with change?

Go Chase Some Lions

How big is your lion? Have you ever thought of chasing a lion? Probably not, me either! Last year when we were in Africa we had an opportunity to go with the graduating class of Acres of Hope on a safari. We went early in the morning so we would have a chance to get...
Are you really ok with change?

Clowns and Butterflies

Have you ever met someone with irrational fears? I like to pick on Kevin Scruggs, one of the great people of West, because he has this huge fear of clowns. We joke about this (so please know I’m not being malicious!) I’ve known Kevin for years from...