The Balmy 54 Degree Water

When Tom and I were in Michigan last September for his 70.3 Ironman, the weather took a rather sudden turn for “cold” (for triathlon standards).  His test swim in 54-degree water did not go as well as he had hoped. (Note: I can’t imagine swimming 1.2 miles in a...

Who is really in charge here?

Years ago, prior to the launch of West, I had the opportunity to sit with the Bishop, the District Superintendent, the Director of Congregational Development, and a few other clergy folks. We were all around the table because we each brought different perspectives to...

They Canceled School for What?

Monday, the weather folks predicted extremely high winds and potentially dangerous conditions for Tuesday. In the line of public school work, there are folks who have to make difficult decisions about whether or not it is safe to have school. There are long-standing...


“The spices are adding up.” What I heard was, “How can you be so irresponsible with money? Why are there so many spices? If you were more responsible, there would not be so many spices in the spice comment. Why can’t you do better? Be...

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

Ten years ago yesterday, what started as an idea for people done with church/religion to have a safe space to encounter the transformational love of God, gave birth to the church of called West. And what a ride it has been. Just like any amusement park ride, it has...