Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

It’s time to get out of the hamster wheel. For years, we’ve viewed the crucifixion as some “thing” God MADE Jesus do so that we might have eternal life in God. (This is called the sacrificial theory of atonement). On this Good Friday I’d like us to ponder the common...
Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

Not the Smartest Person in the Room

Holy Thursday is a time when we get one of the best glimpses of the true nature of Jesus. He shows us who he truly is, and also shows us how to live. Over the past several weeks of devotions we’ve talked a lot about the fact that in order to truly live, we have to die...
Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

It Gets Dark

“It gets dark. Then it gets very dark. Then Jesus shows up.” Those are the words of Bishop Willimon, theology professor at Duke University. Willimon was sharing how in a final exam question to “explain the gospels” this was one of the most poignant answers. He said in...
God Shouldn’t Be a Priority

God Shouldn’t Be a Priority

God shouldn’t be a priority. In the Board of Ordained Ministry interviews, we were often asked about our self-care. Pastors, just like many other working people, have a tendency to work TOO much. To allow work to consume us, to become our “idol,” and...
God Shouldn’t Be a Priority

Deal in Reality

Deal in reality. Live in reality. When we find ourselves at difficult places in our lives, those are wise words uttered by counselors. Deal and live in reality. Not in what you “perceive” to be reality, because our feelings and emotions play tricks on us....
God Shouldn’t Be a Priority

Lies are the safest place to run!

Lies are the safest place to run. “There’s a scene in the movie “Something’s Gotta Give” that simply and succinctly captures one reality about the truth. After catching the man she loves on a date with another woman, Diane Keaton is...