Good Cop vs Bad Cop

Good Cop vs Bad Cop

Good cop, bad cop bites. Have you ever been around a child who plays the whole “good cop/bad cop” game? Actually, it is something that isn’t limited to children. Adults play that game as well, even though it is one marked by extreme manipulation and...
Good Cop vs Bad Cop

It Just Takes that LITTLE Bit!

Sometimes we wonder why we keep reaching out to God but we don’t hear or receive any response. We feel as if our prayers go unanswered. As if they fall into an abyss of darkness, a void, a black hole. Or – maybe even we feel like when we offer them, they...
Good Cop vs Bad Cop

Jesus Did Not Intend to Create An Institution

Jesus did not come to build systems or new institutions. Just over a week ago I had the opportunity to visit a relatively “new” church (per United Methodist standards) and share with that church my doctorate thesis. Wesley Seminary requires doctorate...
Good Cop vs Bad Cop

It Just Takes that LITTLE Bit!

Sometimes we wonder why we keep reaching out to God but we don’t hear or receive any response. We feel as if our prayers go unanswered. As if they fall into an abyss of darkness, a void, a black hole. Or – maybe even we feel like when we offer them, they...
Good Cop vs Bad Cop

We Never Have to Go It Alone!

There are several parts of The Shack that are painful and difficult to read. The first is in the beginning when we read of the kidnapping of Missy, the search that ensues, and the realization that the kidnapping ended in death. While the details are not written per...
Good Cop vs Bad Cop

It’s Hard to Let Go

One day I was preparing to make a hospital visit when my phone rang and the voice on the other end said, “You need to come now. My dad is dead and my mom . . . I just can’t get her to let him go.” It was a family I’d had the privilege of being...