Real Growth Requires Risk

Real Growth Requires Risk

Real growth requires risk. “Daddy?” “Yes, honey?” “Will I ever have to jump off a cliff?” “No, honey. I will never ask you to jump off a cliff, never, ever, ever.” “Then will God ask me to jump off a cliff?”...
Real Growth Requires Risk

Some Simplicity Isn’t Bad!

In the intro to The Shack, Mack’s friend describes Mack’s transformation AFTER visiting the shack as this . . . “But I have to tell you that I’ve never been around another adult who lives life with such simplicity and joy. Somehow he has become...
Real Growth Requires Risk

You Can’t Force Love

“Love that is forced is no love at all.” In the beginning of God’s relationship with humanity we see God giving human beings the opportunity to choose between good and evil. Humanity misused our free will and instead of choosing to follow God, we...
Real Growth Requires Risk

Beyond What We Can Fathom!

The problem is we just don’t understand God. For as long as there has been human thought people have been trying to understand God. As human thought has developed and evolved over the millennia, we have continued to struggle with the concept and idea of God. If...
Real Growth Requires Risk

The Blame Game

Think back to your childhood. When is the first time you remember “blaming” someone for something when you knew that YOU were actually the one to blame? As Mack wrestled with his grief of losing his daughter, he found that he could not reconcile his...
Real Growth Requires Risk

Taking Up Permanent Residence

If you don’t know the plot of The Shack, you will want to stop reading this devotion until after you read/watch the movie. In The Shack, Mack allows his outrage at the murder of his daughter to sink deep into his soul. It permeates his being so much so that he...