A wise mentor once taught me that if we aren’t careful, we will live our lives like the ball in a pinball machine. We will just go from “hit to hit” without any intentionality. Pretty soon, before we know it, we will be exhausted with our lives . . . and we won’t know why.
That isn’t a new concept. It’s been around for thousands of years. Having things that go well, then things that don’t. Things that sidetrack us. Things that keep us on our paths.
One of those “things” are the people we have in our lives.
The Apostle Paul knew that and knew that connecting with people was/is one of the ways we can find the peace of Christ and fulfillment and joy in our lives.
He wrote to the church in PhiIippi, the first Christian community established in Greece.
“My dear, dear friends! I love you so much. I do want the very best for you. You make me feel such joy, fill me with such pride. Don’t waver. Stay on track, steady in God.”
It’s easy for me to sometimes live in a state of chaos. Lots going on, different aspects of life that need attention . . . being a parent, friend, pastor/work, managing a household, etc. You get it – you have similar lives and similar demands.
One thing I am reminded of as I read those words from the Apostle Paul is that we have the opportunity to NOT waver. To stay on track – steady in God! The way we do that is to live like Paul . . . find people that “fill us.”
People that want the very best for us . . . then we will experience life with intentionality and consistency. We will stop being the “ball in the pinball machine.”
I dare you to thank someone today who steadies you and keeps you from wavering.
Friends that steady us in God are the best thing!