Selfless Love

Selfless Love

How many of the 10 commandments do you know off the top of your head? Have you ever lived in fear of breaking those commandments, thinking God was out to get you if you had? Join us this week, for a special Mother’s Day Sermon about selfless love. Jesus always aired on the side of “loving the people”. When we go into the world and be “love” to and for others, we not only change ourselves, but we have the opportunity to bring about change in the world.
Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture

What are some things you’d like or need to cancel out of your life? We live in a time where “Cancel culture” is a real thing. We cancel things that are hurtful to humanity! But what if we need to cancel our own “stuff?” Shame. Guilt. Fear. Insecurities. Anger. And so much more. In this series we will discuss how we can cancel the things in our lives that rob us of our joy.
Twists and Turns

Twists and Turns

Life lessons learned from the hit series Wednesday: parallelled with faith and spiritual lessons learned from the rebel, outcast Jesus.   Jesus - the original outcast who changed the world.
The OG

The OG

Getting back to the original . . . West Church LKN Christmas series 2022. Finding out what the meaning of the original faith and gospel really is.