

None of us plan on wrecking our lives any more than we plan to wreck our cars. But sometimes we encounter things in our lives and if we aren't aware, we allow them to cause wreckage in our journeys. In the series "Guardrails" we will explore how to stay ahead of and avoid things that bring us harm.
i DARE me…

i DARE me…

Why do dares have to be to do "bad" things? Why can't we dare ourselves to be bold and courageous in such a way that it connects us endlessly to Divine Love? Then, we will have all that we need to live full, rich lives. In this series we will explore how can we can to be different so that our lives are all that they can be!
Why Bother?

Why Bother?

For thousands of years, brilliant people have questioned the existence of God. Is there a God? Why do we even need a God? Explore the answers to these questions in light of ancient philosophers and modern day experience over the next several weeks at West.
Summer Playlist

Summer Playlist

Everyone’s life has a soundtrack. Every peak, every low note, and every rhythm make up a part of who you are. Don’t just shuffle through your days—create a Playlist worth listening to!


Each of us has our own unique superpowers. Identify and claim your own “invisible cape” and fully live into the gift of life.
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

In this series, great preachers/speakers will be sharing what Love has to do with our lives, how we are transformed by love . . . and how, in the end, it is love that holds it all together!


Most likely we have people in our midst that are of different faiths – Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and others. What if we could coexist in more meaningful ways by understanding what they believe and why?