At West, we believe in investing in our local community, using our resources, time, and personal skills to try to make our local community a better place. That is our first priority! However, we also recognize that Jesus issued the command to take the Love of God into “all the world, baptizing them in the name of God.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Thus we are intentional about building relationships with our fellow humans throughout the world. Here is how we are offering Jesus’ love locally and globally.
West Church serves alongside ten local partners and three global partners to share the love with others so that our communities and world look more like Jesus.
Meet our local missional partners and see how you can offer the love of Jesus to our community.
Back 2 School BASH
Each summer, West engages the local community to support the Inspire Our Children non-profit that houses the Back 2 School BASH. Last year’s event involved 500 volunteers and provided 1,200 Iredell County students in need with shoes, clothes, backpacks, and supplies to help make their school year successful.

Mooresville Christian Mission
Once a quarter, West Church partners with the Mooresville Christian Mission non-profit. Serving impacts local individuals in the Lake Norman community seeking assistance with emergency relief and individual betterment. Children and adults 12 years old and up are invited to serve.
Serve with us on Saturday in 2024.
- February 24
- May 4
- August 10
- November 16
Location: 266 N Broad St., Mooresville, NC 28115
Time: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM
What: Stocking Pantry Shelves, Sorting and Hanging Clothes
To join us by click on the “VOLUNTEER” button below.
Backpack Food Pantry
The West faith community helps to provide over 2,500 meals a year by sending food home with students.

Mooresville Kindness Closet
Mooresville Kindness Closet provides basic household and hygiene items not covered by government assistance for our neighbors in need. West members donate and sort items to stock the closet as part of our local mission outreach.
Ding Dong Ditch
The West faith community nominates local families who can use extra love during the Christmas season, purchases gifts for the individuals and families then anonymously delivers them.
College Care Packages
The West faith community sent 312 care packages to 52 college students last year.
English as a Second Language Department at ISS
West partners with the English as a Second Language Department, a program where nearly all students who speak a foreign language as their first language receive English classes so that they will be successful in school. West provides teacher, parent and student support with gift cards, gift bags with needed supplies, and thank you events for teachers.
Acres of Hope
Located in Nebbi, Uganda, Acres of Hope provides hope for a future to orphans and vulnerable children by providing them with basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, and an education. The goal is that these children will mature and become productive, generous citizens who will pay it forward and be bright lights in the community.
Let us know how we can help you. Send us any questions you might have or request more information, and we will be in touch soon. We can't wait to hear from you!
General Contact Form
PO Box 5077
Mooresville, NC 28117
Lake Norman High
186 Doolie Rd.
Mooresville, NC 28117