The Immunity Necklace
They had an “immunity idol/necklace.” (Think back to the Survivor tv show).
Each week members of the staff team would transfer the immunity necklace from office to office. They would hang it on one another’s bookshelves, inferring that they were the one on the “hit list” that particular period of time.
It was a completely toxic work environment.
An outside consultant was hired to help the team figure out where they needed to head within their organization.
His report was leveling for everyone.
“This team cannot co-exist They work against one another instead of together and as long as this team is the one leading this organization, this organization will falter, and ultimately will fail.”
Needless to say, that opened some eyes and conversation among the people involved.
Next steps included diving into working relationships, personalities, temperaments, and trying to teach necessary skills, broaden their emotional intelligence, and overall help them understand the “how” of getting along for the good of the whole.
After a few months passed, the immunity idol ceased to be in existence anymore
During the second quarter review the consultant’s report read quite differently.
“The environment of this organization has done a 180. This team is united behind the mission of the organization and they work together instead of battling it out around the conference table. Their strengths complement one another, and the future looks optimistic.”
If you ask members of that team what the game changer was for them, they will tell you that they learned how to get along.
They began seeing things from the perspective of their teammates instead of only focusing on what they needed. They learned how to use words.
I hope you’ve taken some time to dive into the temperament assessment we talked about in worship yesterday.
If you were unable to worship with us, I invite you to watch the message here.
We each have a temperament. The way we are hard-wired. It drives the way we communicate AND it also determines the words we need from others to feel included, accepted, affirmed, and frankly – loved.
Over the next six weeks you’ll know:
Words you need to hear from others
Words your loved ones need to hear from you
Words you use most likely as weapons
Words that will wound your loved ones.
Together we will each grow in being our best selves so that we can also be our best selves with and for one another.
Take the temperament assessment today and in tomorrow ‘s meditation we will dive into discussing the four types.
The Apostle Paul says,
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
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