Mar 8, 2021
It’s easy to miss the mark when we can’t see where we are headed. Last week I had the rare privilege to interview a German woman whose first childhood memory was of her home being bombed, the entire apartment building being destroyed, and her mother screaming for her...
Mar 4, 2021
It sounded like fun! Taking an ax, throwing it at a wooden target, and seeing how it would “stick.” The target was a large wooden wall, so surely it couldn’t be that difficult. I knew my athletic limitations going into the outing. (Pretty much, I...
Mar 3, 2021
There is power in “finishing well.” None of us know how we will ultimately “finish” this journey of life. I imagine we all hope to finish with people that we love and cherish in our lives. We also most likely want to finish having left a mark...
Mar 2, 2021
Early spring I went to start my car and nothing happened. It made a little “clicking sound” and then went completely dead. No radio, no nothing. I thought it was the battery, but I knew I hadn’t left anything “on” so I could not figure out why it would just be “dead.”...
Feb 24, 2021
Why is it that the “difficult things” come after some of the most beautiful things? Ever had that feeling that life is clipping along, all is well, work, family, relationships, finances . . . everything is as you hope it will be. Then, BAM! Out of the blue...